Books, nails, gloves

Research presentation | Loraine Furter (PhD) | 2022-10-13 | 11:00-12:00 | Showroom, Campus Sint Lucas Antwerpen
Books, nails, gloves

This presentation is open to all.

The research project The politics of publishing: researching encounters between artists’ books and intersectional feminist tools addresses artists’ books and the politics of publishing, creating forms to uncover forgotten histories in this field, through a critical design approach which includes feminist tools. The project materializes in a series of hybrid publications (paper, digital, spatial, oral) that re·activate objects and histories and re·circulate them.

Together we will dive into an installation presented in the SLARG exhibition, using the technique of “arpentage”: a collective reading method developed in social justice and class struggles movements, where a book is torn into different sections, spread and read by different people, to then make sense of it collectively by bringing it all back together.

We will do so with the objects presented in the installation, in a movement going from micro to macro to other space-time dimensions, splitting between qualitative and quantitative, zooming in, getting closer, situating precisely (yet momentarily), but also zooming out to understand structural dimensions.

From (micro-)typography to editorial structures. From gossip to public speeches. From ghostwriting to collective pamphlets.

With our glossy researchers' gloves.

Loraine Furter is a PhD researcher at Sint Lucas Antwerp, a graphic designer and a teacher, specialized in hybrid publishing and in love with subversive anti-hegemonic practices. She co-founded the cyber-feminist collective Just For the Record, the typography research group Bye Bye Binary and the project Intersections of Care.